Design Works

A Voice through Type

The typeface is the voice of a text—so they say. But what kind of voice? On closer inspection we are mostly talking about well-behaved ones. For corporate logos they need to have enough general appeal to appease the largest possible audience. For most articles they are more comparable to ambience in order to serve the… Continue reading A Voice through Type

Categorized as Writing

A Voice through Type/Layers of Text

“A Voice through Type/Layers of Text” is a two-topic research paper on dialogue-related typography. While I outlined a process on how to assign typefaces as the written representation of a characters voice in “A Voice through Type,” I developed criteria for readability in video game dialogues and analyzed trends in dialogue UI-Design of the of… Continue reading A Voice through Type/Layers of Text

Glyphs, my Beloved

Glyphs and I have become good friends over the past few years. I started using it in spring 2020. Just a month before I tried to design a typeface in Illustrator and FontForge. And while that got me a font-file as a result, I really struggled creating letters with those two programs. When I finally… Continue reading Glyphs, my Beloved


«Stay» is an experimental 3D Visual Novel I created for my BA thesis. For my graduation I wanted create something that reflected my various design interests. It incorporates my love for typography, music composition, game design, and writing. As my research goal (it still was an academic project) I explored typography in video games twofold:… Continue reading Stay

Stay (Thesis)

“Stay” is a design research thesis on the applicability of typography as an expressive and connecting medium for dialog in 3D video games. Based on the research established in Layers of Text / A Voice through Type I created “Stay” to break the devide between subtitle-styled dialog and the game world. I often find it… Continue reading Stay (Thesis)

What should I say—about Seoul

How could visiting Seoul be described in a way that allows someone else to feel like they are right there? What to say? What perspectives to choose? What Should I Say—About Seoul takes the reader on a path less traveled: The work and daily-life of Korean designers; but not just as a spectator. The book… Continue reading What should I say—about Seoul