End-User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Version 1.0 | August 2024

Permission & Conditions

I want to keep this is accessible as possible. If you downloaded/bought one of the licenses for a font (the font is the file format in which the typeface is stored) you may use it for any project you like. The license extends to print as well as digital uses, like: Apps, games, movies, and websites. So basically one license for all.

If you got one of the free fonts or student/trans-project licences you need to attribute credits to me. This includes the font name (family name is enough, you don’t need to mention weights) and the name of my foundry and/or my name Henrike Wiesner.
 As i guess is understandable, you are not allowed to resell or redistribute this font in any form (this includes giving it a new name and selling it under this new name).

I don’t want my designs associated with hate-speech, right-wing ideology, or in any descriminatory content (especially if it is kicking down).

Regarding modifying the font, you can of course twist and turn the font in design apps for layouting and so forth. If you want to take a look at how the font is constructed feel free to open it in a font software like Glyphs App. Please refrain from changing the font significantly there. If you want to adjust the space width or the length of a dash that would be ok; changing letterforms wouldn’t. If you need modifications or additional glyphs send me a message and we figure something out.
 If you need a font for a game built in Unity or Unreal contact me, and I provide you with a version that will allow kerning to work in-engine.

Fonts are pretty straight forward for the most part. But if you should encounter issues with getting it to run, you can contact me and I see what I can do.

If you bought a license for a font you are eligible to get future updates of that font with out additional charge. You can login to your account and download it there.


Should you infringe on the terms laid out above I have to revoke the license.


So this phrase comes up in every other license I found. I think it is very unfriendly to read, but I need to adhere to the protocol

The font software is provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of copyright, patent, trademark, or other right. In no event shall the copyright holder be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, including any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of the use or inability to use the font software or from other dealings in the font software.

Thank you for taking time to read this. Have fun with the typefaces. I hope they inspire you. If you want to share what you created send me message to henni[ettte]itsjustletters.de

Kind regards,

Henni Wiesner